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Objet series


Series ​1.   卵


In this “Objet Series”, I pick up one object from my daily life and take a good look at it through the lens. Focusing on the ambiguity of our vision and memory, I try to  expand the possibility of looking and perception by the static images. Light and darkness give us the sight of shape, color and texture. 

Series ​1.   Egg

Egg is one of the familiar ingredients and we crack the shell in the kitchen every day. At the same time, this "one sphere" is also a house of a new life. Breaking out of the shell from the inside is essential for a cycle of life. The shape of egg makes me feel fragile and beautiful. 

2.  羊羹



「玉のように半透明に曇った肌が、奥の方まで日の光を吸い取って夢みるごときほの明るさを啣んでいる感じ、あの色あいの深さ、複雑さは、西洋の菓子には絶対見られない。クリームなどはあれに比べると何という浅はかさ、単純さであろう。だが、その羊羹の色あいも、あれを塗り物の菓子器に入れて、肌の色が辛うじて見分けられる暗がりへ沈めると、ひとしお瞑想的になる。人はあの冷たく滑らかなものを口中にふくむ時、あたかも室内の暗黒が一箇の甘い塊になって舌の先で融けるを感じ、ほんとうはそう旨くない羊羹でも、味に異様な深みが添わるように思う。」(谷崎潤一郎『陰翳礼讃』角川ソフィア文庫 )



The theme of this work is“yokan,” one of the Japanese traditional sweets, made from red been paste, sugar and agar powder.  An essay by Jun-ichiro Tanizaki about yokan became the trigger for my interest in yokan. He writes about yokan in the context that Japanese foods are influenced by subtle light in a Japanese old house, as below;


   “The cloudy trancelucence, like that of jade; the faint, dreamlike glow that suffuses it, as if it had drunk into its very depths the light of sun; the complexity and profundity of the colorーnothing of the sort is to be found in Western candies. How simple and insignificant cream-filled chocolates seem by comparision. And when yokan is served in a lacquer dish within whose dark recesses its color is scarecely distinguishable, then it is certainly an object for meditation. You take its cool, smooth substance into your mouth, and it is as if the very darkness of the room were melting on your tongue; even undistinguished yokan can then take on a mysteriously intriguing flavor.”( Jun-ichiro Tanizaki  In Praise of Shadow, Translated by Thomas J. Harper and Edward G. Seidensticker, Tuttle Publishing )


I was fascinated by Japanese old houses and photographed them. At some point, the rectangular shape and texture of yokan remided me of the deep darkness in the Japanese architecture.  When I realized it, I put yokan in front of my camera.


2024.5.1~5.15 Alt_Medium Takadanobaba, Tokyo